Environmental policy

The Group's commitment to protect the environment is realized through the performance of business activities in compliance with the environmental policies adopted, the implementation of effective management processes and the use of the best available technologies. In possession of the ISO 14001 certification, the company presents an Environmental Management System that ensures the compliance of company processes with applicable legislation and allows to optimize the use of available natural resources, to prevent pollution and to protect the territory.

In particular, in the management of the business lines relating to road infrastructures, the rationalization in the use of the wide range of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products becomes a key element and a criterion to which to pay constant attention, without reduce neither quality nor safety. The Group also strongly considers energy consumption, aware of the environmental impacts that these generate and pursues monitoring the quantities of water taken in order to optimize water consumption.

The most significant environmental impacts are those that originate from road accidents and the company has acquired considerable experience in managing these events. The collaboration with the bodies in charge of resolving these situations is essential to ensure the maximum efficiency of the coordination activities for the safety of people and the environment. The problems related to the visual impact of the motorway, on the other hand, are addressed first of all at the authorization level. The motorway sections and the most significant new works include the preparation of an Environmental Impact Study, which deals with issues related to the visual impact.

Lastly, noise pollution is one of the most significant impacts on the territory and on the local community deriving from the activities of the Group, which has developed a plan to reduce and contain noise along the motorway and road infrastructures of its own.


According to the provisions of the Framework Law n. 447 of 1995 and the DMA 29 January 2000, Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova in 2006 identified the critical acoustics areas, ie the living areas facing its network where it may be necessary to mitigate the levels of noise pollution, giving detailed information through a report sent to all interested bodies.

Following this activity, in 2008, a noise reduction and abatement plan, called PICAR, was prepared, specifying the type, costs and timing of the mitigation measures envisaged in the aforementioned critical noise areas: this plan, currently being applied, is periodically updated every five years.

To complete the activities envisaged by national legislation, Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova is also committed to monitoring the environmental status of its network and verifying the implementation of PICAR through the actions envisaged in the Community legislation, implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree n. 194 of 2005: the last acoustic mapping * was carried out in 2017, while the last update of the action plan * was carried out in 2018.

Information to the public, required by article 8 of Legislative Decree no. 194/2005, is carried out through the publication of a summary report * and by thematic maps showing respectively the distribution of traffic noise on the territory surrounding the motorway (TAV A4; TAV A31) *, during the day and the night period, and the position of all the interventions foreseen in the PICAR.

Any comments can be submitted by registered A/R to the Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova SpA, via Flavio Gioia, 71 - 37135 Verona, Italy or through P.E.C. at the address areacostruzioni@pec.autobspd.it, indicating as object "Observations pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 194/2005 - Action Plan".


* (In relation to what is defined by Legislative Decree No. 194/2005, it should be noted that this document does not include areas related to agglomerations with a population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, or in the specific case the Municipalities of Brescia, Verona Vicenza and Padova. The relative maps can be consulted at the competent authorities).